Recovery Phase
To be followed for the first 24 hours after procedure:
recommendations, and instructions for a smooth healing process. Follow these steps for optimal results and comfort.
- Mild sensitivity to hot or cold liquids may occur. This usually passes within 1 – 2 days. If sensitivity persists, we recommend taking over the counter pain medication or desensitizing past such as Sensodyne.
- If you experience gum sensitivity do not brush the afflicted area while brushing your teeth.
- Do not smoke for 24 hours.
- Touch-up treatments may be needed every 6-12 months to retain colour.
The Feeling of Numbness will begin to wear off in 30 mins to 4 hours ,Until that time , avoid all hot foods or liquids and do not Eat anything.
A folded cotton pack has been placed over the surgical . The Cotton pack should be held with firm pressure for 1 hour to help halt the bleeding.
Cotton Pack
For the first 2-3 hours after the surgery , ice packs should be applied intermittently to the outside of the face over the area of surgery. The ice pack should be held in place for 15 minutes or so, and then removed for 15mins . This will help reduce discomfort and swelling.
Ice Pack
Oral Hygience
A check up the next day after surgery is recommended . Any scutters placed are non resortable and need to be out one week after the surgery
Check Up
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